Level UP


High Ticket Group Coaching

Get instant access to this value-packed training, and learn the highly profitable hybrid evergreen group coaching strategy that will recession proof your online business and give you financial AND time freedom -

even if you've had a failed launch, your audience is small, or you don't have a digital offer yet!

In this Training, you'll learn:

The strategy that took me from hustling a $27 workshop to simply selling out $4k+ offers

and took my side hustle from abysmal launch flop to a multiple six-figure business

How to uplevel your course or membership into a golden goose group coaching program

and scale your cashflow, revenue, and profit, while managing it in just 3 hours a week!

How to price your digital offers for six figure success

by learning the energetics of high ticket pricing, and price for profit with the Level Up Pricing Framework

Participants Praise:


"So much incredible info packed into this training"


Wow. There was so much incredible info packed into this training! Thank you! For my visual thinking brain, I had big Aha moments, it really impacted me. I had a great shifts and insights around my pricing. From no to why not?

- Deborah S.


"Super helpful! I would have gladly paid for everything I learned"


Thank you for such a great training! When I was feeling stuck and discouraged that I may never get to my goals, your training has given me the encouragement that I need to keep going.

- Kristin C.


"So much goodness! Great presentation, beautiful success stories, and so much value"


Besides beautifully showing how you can turn a small audience into a profitable revenue machine, I love witnessing what a wonderful group of soulful, creative entrepreneurs you attract. Thanks so much!

- Natalie D.

This Training is for you if...

you're a course creator, coach, service based or online biz owner:
  • You're a course creator or membership owner tired of hustling 24/7 without the revenue to show for it
  • Join me to learn how to go from sporadic sales to consistent five figure months working part time

  • You're a coach or consultant overscheduled with one-to-one clients, yearning for more free time

  • I'll show you how to go one-to-many with a group program you can manage in just 3 hours a week!

  • You're a service based business owner looking to recession-proof your biz with digital offers 

  • I'll explain how a group coaching program can create financial AND time freedom 

Hi! I'm Masha...

I'm an Online Business Coach, and I’m on a mission to help entrepreneurs build a successful online business, while spending more time offline!

My purpose is to empower and equip female entrepreneurs to grow six and seven figure businesses soulfully.

Over the pandemic I built my online biz from a dream, to a side hustle, to a multi six figure success that allows me to work part time hours from my Treehouse in CT, USA, and spend more time with myself, and my family, enjoying a slower lifestyle.

I love volunteering with my therapy dog, reading Harry Potter with my girls, period films, fantasy romance novels, tea time, plants, and bending time.

I have two little girls, one giant husband, and my rescue pup Vixon 🐾

xo, Masha